Prana is life force. It is what makes you animated or alive. In simple terms it can be understood as the breath. Whereby, everything that lives breathes. Every plant and animal, every cell and tissue will go through an exchange process of one element (oxygen) for another (carbon dioxide) – otherwise thought of as a movement of energy. When that energy stops moving, you stop living.

Pranayama is the science or practice of breathing. Which may seem like an overly simple idea; however, consider your breathing when you are angry, tired or happy. Listen to the breathing of your children, partner or pets throughout the day. Your state of being is reflected in the breath. When you learn to practice and control the breath you can learn how to reflect and control your state of mind and even physical health. You can use your breath as a meditative practice to tune into your life force.

If there are terms you hear in your yoga practice that you may not fully understand, feel free to discuss terminology and your questions with your Innergy Corporate Yoga teachers.